Commit 73d93be9 authored by Charis Eleftheriadis's avatar Charis Eleftheriadis

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\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper, twoside]{article}
\title{Trying to Prove Neural Networks' Equivalence \newline (and other cool properties)}
\author{Charis Eleftheriadis
Panagiotis Katsaros\\
Stavros Tripakis
\date{February 11, 2021}
This is a living document comprised of thoughts, findings, paradigms regarding \textbf{Neural Networks' Equivalence}.
\newline At the moment, we try to use SAT, SMT, MIP solvers to prove various properties of Neural Networks.
Our main research goal is to provide a formal way to train provable robust Neural Networks of different complexity and size (number of neurons and network's parameters).
\ No newline at end of file
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