Commit 94573968 authored by Thodoris Nestoridis's avatar Thodoris Nestoridis

new method for parse instances in Ontology file + changes in Prefix

parent 8aecd007
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from pygments import highlight
from import *
MAIN_CHOICES = ( ("",""), ("M1", "M1 : system/function shall [not] set [<quantifier>] item [to stateValue]"),
("M2", "M2 : system/function shall [not] set state to stateValue"),
......@@ -26,28 +27,20 @@ MAIN_CHOICES = ( ("",""), ("M1", "M1 : system/function shall [not] set [<quant
#to be updated with domains from DSO
SYSTEM_CHOICES = find_extra_keywords("SAO:System", 1)
FUNCTION_CHOICES = find_extra_keywords(":Function", 1) + find_extra_keywords(":Function", 2)
SYSTEM_CHOICES = get_instances("SAO#System")
FUNCTION_CHOICES = get_instances("SAO#Function")
SHALL_CHOICES = ( ("shall", "SHALL"), ("shall not", "SHALL NOT"))
QUANTIFIER_CHOICES = ( ("none","NONE"), ("all", "ALL"), ("only", "ONLY"),
("more than", "MORE THAN"), ("less than", "LESS THAN"), ("exactly","EXACTLY"),
("at least", "AT LEAST"), ("at most", "AT MOST")
NUMBER_UNITS_CHOICES = (("",""), ("meters","METERS"), ("kilometers","KILOMETERS"), ("volt","VOLT"))
#ITEM_CHOICES = (("ITEM", "ITEM"), ("ITEM2", "ITEM2") )
ITEM_CHOICES = find_extra_keywords("SAO:Item", 1)
#STATE_VALUE_CHOICES = (("enabled", "ENABLED"), ("disabled", "DISABLED"))
STATE_VALUE_CHOICES =find_extra_keywords(":StateValue", 2)
#STATE_CHOICES = (("state", "STATE"), ("state2", "STATE2"))
STATE_CHOICES = tuple( [ x for x in find_extra_keywords(":State", 2) if x not in STATE_VALUE_CHOICES ])
#FLOW_CHOICES = (("flow","FLOW"), ("flow2","FLOW2"))
FLOW_CHOICES = find_extra_keywords(":Flow", 3)
#INTERFACE_CHOICES = (("interface","INTERFACE"), ("interface2","INTERFACE2"))
INTERFACE_CHOICES = find_extra_keywords(":Interface", 2)
#CONNECTION_CHOICES = (("connection","CONNECTION"), ("connection2","CONNECTION2"))
CONNECTION_CHOICES = find_extra_keywords(":Connection", 2)
ITEM_CHOICES = get_instances("SAO#Item")
STATE_VALUE_CHOICES =get_instances("SAO#StateValue")
STATE_CHOICES = get_instances("SAO#State")#tuple( [ x for x in find_extra_keywords(":State", 2) if x not in STATE_VALUE_CHOICES ])
FLOW_CHOICES = get_instances("SAO#Flow")
INTERFACE_CHOICES = get_instances("SAO#Interface")
CONNECTION_CHOICES = get_instances("SAO#Connection")
VERB_CHOICES = (("set","set"),("send","send"),("receive","receive"),("ingest","ingest"),("emit","emit"),("perform","perform"),("invoke","invoke"),
("present","present"),("transfer","transfer"),("interact with","interact with"),("have state","have state"),("have substate","have substate"),
("take values from","take values from"),("be composed","be composed"),("contain","contain"))
from django.db import models
#from reqman.apps.common.models import CoreModel
from reqman.apps.account.models import User
from reqman.apps.reqtool.models.main_req import create_main, SYSTEM_OR_FUNCTION_CHOICES, ITEM_FLOW_FUNCTION
from reqman.apps.reqtool.models.suffix_req import create_suffix
from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter
......@@ -93,16 +93,16 @@ class Prefix(models.Model):
prefix_boilerplate = models.ForeignKey(Boilerplate, related_name='prefix_boilerplate', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
prefix = models.CharField(choices=PREFIX_CHOICES, max_length=100)
#state value constraint
item_log = models.TextField(max_length=100, blank=True)
system_state = models.TextField(max_length=100, blank=True)
state_value = models.TextField(max_length=100, blank=True)
system_fun_item = models.CharField(choices= (ITEM_CHOICES + SYSTEM_OR_FUNCTION_CHOICES), max_length=100, blank=True)
state_or_verb = models.CharField(choices=STATE_CHOICES + VERB_CHOICES, max_length=100, blank=True)
#state_value = models.CharField(choices=STATE_VALUE_CHOICES, max_length=100, blank=True)
#occuring functionality
sys_fun = models.CharField(choices=SYSTEM_OR_FUNCTION_CHOICES, max_length=100, blank=True)
verb = models.CharField(choices=VERB_CHOICES, max_length=100, blank=True)
item_function_flow = models.CharField(choices=ITEM_FLOW_FUNCTION, max_length=100, blank=True)
#sys_fun = models.CharField(choices=, max_length=100, blank=True)
#verb = models.CharField(choices=VERB_CHOICES, max_length=100, blank=True)
item_function_flow_statevalue = models.CharField(choices=ITEM_FLOW_FUNCTION + STATE_VALUE_CHOICES, max_length=100, blank=True)
#Prefix value P1/P2/P3
logical_expression = models.CharField(choices=LOGICAL_EXPRESSION, max_length=100, blank=True)
#add extra prefix
#Info for prefix
logic_connective = models.CharField(choices=LOGIC_CONNECTIVE, default='', max_length=100, blank=True)
simple_prefix = models.CharField(choices=SIMPLE_PREFIX_CHOICES, max_length=100)
......@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ NUMERICAL_AFFIRMATIVE_CHOICES = (("more than", "MORE THAN"), ("less than", "LESS
("at least", "AT LEAST"), ("at most", "AT MOST"))
NUMBER_UNITS_CHOICES = (("",""), ("meters","METERS"), ("kilometers","KILOMETERS"), ("volt","VOLT"))
TIME_UNITS_CHOICES = (("",""), ("seconds","SECONDS"), ("minutes","MINUTES"), ("milliseconds","MILLISECONDS"))
#FLOW_CHOICES = (("flow","FLOW"), ("flow2","FLOW2"))
FLOW_CHOICES = find_extra_keywords(":Flow", 3)
FLOW_CHOICES = get_instances("SAO#Flow")
S2_CHOICES = (("before","BEFORE"), ("after","AFTER"))
S3_CHOICES = (("every","EVERY"), ("for a period of","FOR A PERIOD OF"), ("within", "WITHIN"), ("for at least", "FOR AT LEAST"))
S4_CHOICES = (("at the beginning","AT THE BEGINNING"), ("at the end","AT THE END"))
from rdflib import Graph
from rdflib.namespace import RDFS
#from subprocess import call
#call("./../../Ontologies/s-get default >> ../../Ontologies/data.ttl", shell=True)
......@@ -8,97 +11,32 @@ list_of_DSO = ["DSO", "DSO-AOCS", "DSO-AOCS-instances"]
list_of_RMO = ["RMO", "RMO-instances", "DSO-AOCS-instances", "<"]
'''Return the Systems and Items from the Ontologies'''
def get_keyword(keyword):
system_list = []
for dso in list_of_DSO :
flag_1, flag_2 = 0, 0
with open(Ontology_file) as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith(dso):
spliter_1 = line.split(':')
spliter_2 = spliter_1[1].split(' ')
key = spliter_2[0].strip()
flag_1 = 1
if flag_1 == 1:
if ':' in keyword:
if keyword in line and ("subClassOf" in line) and not ( ':comment' in line or 'disjointWith' in line or 'construct' in line or 'label' in line) :
flag_2 = 1
elif not ':' in keyword:
keyword = ':'+keyword
if keyword in line and ("subClassOf" in line) and not ( ':comment' in line or 'disjointWith' in line or 'construct' in line or 'label' in line) :
flag_2 = 1
if flag_1 == 1 and flag_2 == 1:
if (line.strip()).endswith('.'):
if not key in system_list:
flag_1, flag_2 = 0, 0
if (line.strip()).endswith('.') and not ((line.strip()).startswith('-') or ( ':comment' in line)) :
flag_1, flag_2 = 0, 0
return system_list #tuple((str(n), str(n)) for n in system_list)
def findsubclass():
file2 = open(r"../../Ontologies/instances.txt","w+")
g = Graph()
g.load(Ontology_file, format="turtle")
for subj, obj in g.subject_objects(predicate=RDFS.subClassOf):
subClass = subj + "$"+ obj + "\n"
for subj, obj in g.subject_objects(predicate=RDFS.domain):
subClass = subj + "$"+ obj + "\n"
for subj, obj in g.subject_objects(predicate=RDFS.range):
subClass = subj + "$"+ obj + "\n"
'''Return the Flow, State, Interface, Connection from the Ontologies'''
def get_keyword_2(keyword):
system_list = []
for dso in list_of_RMO :
flag_1, flag_2 = 0, 0
with open(Ontology_file) as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith(dso):
spliter_1 = line.split(':')
spliter_2 = spliter_1[1].split(' ')
key = spliter_2[0].strip()
flag_1 = 1
if flag_1 == 1:
if ':' in keyword:
if keyword in line and ("domain" in line or "range" in line or "a" in line) and not ( ':comment' in line or 'disjointWith' in line or 'construct' in line or 'label' in line) :
flag_2 = 1
elif not ':' in keyword:
keyword = ':'+keyword
if keyword in line and ("domain" in line or "range" in line or "a" in line) and not ( ':comment' in line or 'disjointWith' in line or 'construct' in line or 'label' in line) :
flag_2 = 1
if flag_1 == 1 and flag_2 == 1:
if (line.strip()).endswith('.'):
if not key in system_list:
flag_1, flag_2 = 0, 0
if (line.strip()).endswith('.') and not ((line.strip()).startswith('-') or ( ':comment' in line)) :
flag_1, flag_2 = 0, 0
return system_list #tuple((str(n), str(n)) for n in system_list)
def get_instances(keyword):
in_list = []
with open('../../Ontologies/instances.txt') as f:
for data in f:
if (data.strip()).endswith(keyword):
spliter_1 = data.split('$')
spliter_2 = spliter_1[0].split("#")
in_list.append(spliter_2[len(spliter_2) - 1])
return tuple((str(n), str(n)) for n in in_list)
def find_extra_keywords(keyword, choice):
third_search = []
if choice == 1 :
first_search = get_keyword(keyword)
second_search = first_search.copy()
for i in first_search:
k = get_keyword(i)
for kl in k:
if not kl in second_search:
third_search = second_search.copy()
for i in second_search:
k = get_keyword(i)
for kl in k:
if not kl in third_search:
if choice == 2 :
first_search = get_keyword_2(keyword)
second_search = first_search.copy()
for i in first_search:
k = get_keyword_2(i)
for kl in k:
if not kl in second_search:
third_search = second_search.copy()
for i in second_search:
k = get_keyword_2(i)
for kl in k:
if not kl in third_search:
if choice == 3 :
third_search = get_keyword_2(keyword)
return tuple((str(n), str(n)) for n in third_search)
from rdflib import Graph
from rdflib import Namespace
from rdflib.namespace import RDF
from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, URIRef
from rdflib.namespace import RDFS
g = Graph()
#g.parse("../Ontologies/Mokos_18_1_7_47 copy.ttl", format="turtle")
#print(len(g)) # prints 2
file2 = open(r"D:\Text\MyFile2.txt","w+")
RDO_instances = Namespace("")
RBO = Namespace("")
RDO = Namespace("")
LO = URIRef("")
g.load("../Ontologies/Mokos_18_1_7_47.ttl", format="turtle")
n = ""
for subj, obj in g.subject_objects(predicate=RDFS.subClassOf):
##if n in subj:
# print (obj.rsplit('#')[-1])
lol = subj + "$"+ obj + "\n"
# print("{} is a person".format(s))
#for s, p, o in g.triples((None, RDF.type, None)):
# file2.write("{} is a {} \n".format(s, o))
#add unique id
new_req = RDO_instances.EEMR
#new_req = RDO_instances.EEMR
#add the S1-S5 or M1-M16 etc
new_req_2 = RBO.M16
new_req_3 = RBO.M17
#new_req_2 = RBO.M16
#new_req_3 = RBO.M17
#g.bind('RDO_instances', RDO_instances)
g.add((new_req, RDF.type, new_req_2))
g.add((new_req, RDF.type, new_req_3))
#g.add((new_req, RDF.type, new_req_2))
#g.add((new_req, RDF.type, new_req_3))
#save in file
#g.serialize(destination='output.txt', format='turtle')
from rdflib import Graph
from rdflib.namespace import RDFS
def get_instances(keyword):
with open('instances.txt') as f:
for data in f:
if (data.strip()).endswith(keyword):
spliter_1 = data.split('$')
spliter_2 = spliter_1[0].split("#")
print(spliter_2[len(spliter_2) - 1])
file2 = open(r"instances.txt","w+")
g = Graph()
g.load("../Ontologies/Mokos_18_1_7_47.ttl", format="turtle")
for subj, obj in g.subject_objects(predicate=RDFS.range):
subClass = subj + "$"+ obj + "\n"
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